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  • Pentameter, so called, if you listen to it with an open ear, is a slow kind of gently swaying three-beat minuetto.

    THE ANTHOLOGIST Nicholson Baker 2009

  • Pentameter, so called, if you listen to it with an open ear, is a slow kind of gently swaying three-beat minuetto.

    THE ANTHOLOGIST Nicholson Baker 2009

  • It is in four movements, the first an allegro, the second a largo (in which the organ is used as a solo instrument), the third an allegro, and the fourth a minuetto.

    The Standard Oratorios Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers 1876

  • (N.B. The septet consists of a short introductory adagio, an allegro, adagio, minuetto, andante, with variations, minuetto, and another short adagio preceding a presto.)

    Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Vol. 1 of 2 Wallace, Lady 1866

  • I had noticed in the preceding rehearsal that Keissiger had fallen into the error of all the ordinary conductors of this work by taking the tempo di minuetto of the third movement at a meaningless waltz time, whereby not only does the whole piece lose its imposing character, but the trio is rendered absolutely ridiculous by the impossibility of the violoncello part being interpreted at such a speed.

    My Life — Volume 1 Richard Wagner 1848

  • Reissiger, who, it is true, did not possess the needful power suddenly to impress so momentous a change of time upon his orchestra with success, followed the usual custom and took the tempo di minuetto in the same old waltz time.

    My Life — Volume 1 Richard Wagner 1848

  • It is curious that, whenever I have mentioned the case of this variation to anyone, my experience with the tempo di minuetto of the eighth symphony has been repeated.

    On Conducting (Üeber Das Dirigiren) : a Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music, Richard Wagner 1848

  • In the tempo di minuetto of the Eighth Symphony of Beethoven, I found that

    My Life — Volume 1 Richard Wagner 1848

  • I had called Reissiger's attention to this defect, and he acquiesced in my opinion, promising to take the part in question at true minuetto tempo.

    My Life — Volume 1 Richard Wagner 1848

  • It is sufficient to mark downwards each beat of the _tempo di minuetto_: --

    The Orchestral Conductor Theory of His Art Hector Berlioz 1836


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