
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun one who works with missiles


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

missile +‎ -er


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  • These rotations are likely tiring, and indeed the crews have been complaining about the length of the new rotations (for more about life as a "missileer," check out this fascinating article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).

    FP Passport 2009

  • These rotations are likely tiring, and indeed the crews have been complaining about the length of the new rotations (for more about life as a "missileer," check out this fascinating article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).

    FP Passport 2009

  • Blair never set out to become a nuclear missileer and later prophet of Zero.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • He was referring, he told me, to Major Hering and his still unanswered question about how a missileer in his capsule beneath the prairie can know a launch order is legitimate or at least comes from a nominally sane person.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • He was referring, he told me, to Major Hering and his still unanswered question about how a missileer in his capsule beneath the prairie can know a launch order is legitimate or at least comes from a nominally sane person.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Although as the article intimates the issue rarely haunts the minds of firing crews, at least one courageous and conscientious missileer has ended his career by raising this issue.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Although as the article intimates the issue rarely haunts the minds of firing crews, at least one courageous and conscientious missileer has ended his career by raising this issue.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • Blair never set out to become a nuclear missileer and later prophet of Zero.

    How the End Begins Ron Rosenbaum 2011

  • An understatement for the work these airmen do, the instruction was a very real reminder of the contrast Holt lives between his time as a missileer and bike racer.

    Ian Holt trades nukes for Olympic dream 2010

  • Peck had a good view through the rear windows, and watched helplessly as the missileer tracked the aircraft down the starboard side of the boat.

    Pressure Point Dick Couch 1992


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