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  • Anik grinned as Janice dropped her voice a couple of octaves and intoned in mockserious fashion, sounding vaguely like a Starfleet admiral, There's a problem that needs solving?

    The Captain's Daughter Peter David 2000

  • Anik grinned as Janice dropped her voice a couple of octaves and intoned in mockserious fashion, sounding vaguely like a Starfleet admiral, There's a problem that needs solving?

    The Captain's Daughter Peter David 2000

  • Anik grinned as Janice dropped her voice a couple of octaves and intoned in mockserious fashion, sounding vaguely like a Starfleet admiral, There's a problem that needs solving?

    The Captain's Daughter Peter David 2000

  • Her companion glanced back at her, just as mockserious.

    Day of Honor Carey, Diane 1997


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