
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Pertaining to or of the nature of monolatry; practising monolatry.


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  • The religious ideas expressed in such compositions varied with time and place, but they show a general tendency toward a monolatrous or henotheistic point of view and toward higher ethical and spiritual feeling.

    Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV Crawford Howell Toy 1877

  • This development contrasts with the idea, in early monolatrous and monotheistic systems, that the true god is the god for one people only.

    Ethical Technology 2010

  • Hindu brethren, they developed no capacity for organizing an elaborate pantheon -- they were practically monolatrous, were content with an all-sufficient Good Spirit (the Bad Spirit being tolerated as an intellectual necessity), gradually subordinated to him such gods as the popular feeling retained, and relegated to the sphere of evil the host of inferior hurtful spirits or gods (_daevas_) whose existence they could not deny. [

    Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV Crawford Howell Toy 1877


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