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  • Sharra and so related to Sharratu, the goddess of Charran, the wife of the moongod Sin.

    Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1 1892-1972 1942

  • Our laws should not be modified to accommodate burkas and sharia law, which, by the way is their goal-because they don't recognize any 'separation of church and state' - they want sharia law to rule over us and the flag of the moongod to be flying over the whitehouse.

    The Wide Awakes 2009

  • "Ur of Chaldees") and where the worship of the moongod Sin prevailed.

    Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1 1892-1972 1942

  • Moongod), and Jericho, tell us of places consecrated to the cult of the moon.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman 1840-1916 1913


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