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  • Just as I was thinking, Oh my God, it looks like the Disney version of my mother! the mongoose gave a gut-grinding shriek and whomp!

    As Husbands Go Susan Isaacs 2010

  • Just as I was thinking, Oh my God, it looks like the Disney version of my mother! the mongoose gave a gut-grinding shriek and whomp!

    As Husbands Go Susan Isaacs 2010

  • She does an amazing job in this film, making Queen Elizabeth II as I mentioned, a dead ringer for my mother! seem downright human.

    Gunn’s Golden Rules Tim Gunn 2010

  • “Not my mother!” he said, helping himself to some coffee and a banana.

    The Mother Garden Robin Romm 2007

  • “Holy mother!” she yelled as the tractor lurched forward toward the back wall of the barn.

    Moon Dance Mariah Stewart 1999

  • God, if she’d had a nickel for every time she’d heard You’re not my mother! from one of them.

    Little Earthquakes Jennifer Weiner 2004


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