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  • A question - how often do gas stations actually have the same gas as their "namebrand" signs suggest?

    TCPalm Stories 2010

  • The loan buyers, or parties higher up on the food chain to whom they subsequently sold the loans—eventually, investment banks—in turn “bundled” the loans, divided them into affordable-enough units of debt securities that promised a fixed rate of return, slapped their own reputable namebrand labels on each new issue, and sold the hell out of them to institutions and high-net-worth individuals.

    The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns Alan C. Greenberg 2010

  • The loan buyers, or parties higher up on the food chain to whom they subsequently sold the loans—eventually, investment banks—in turn “bundled” the loans, divided them into affordable-enough units of debt securities that promised a fixed rate of return, slapped their own reputable namebrand labels on each new issue, and sold the hell out of them to institutions and high-net-worth individuals.

    The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns Alan C. Greenberg 2010

  • Would love to win--looks like you got some really nice namebrand products!

    A.J.Wright - Fun and Frugal in the Housewares Department & a Giveaway! Jennifer 2009

  • BOULDER, CO: A division of Dean Foods, the organic industry's largest namebrand manufacturer, rocked the organic world this week when it was reported that the agribusiness giant intended to create an entirely new, lower-priced, product category, "natural dairy," aimed squarely at pirating away organic customers.

    Profit over Organics: Nation's Largest Dairy Marketer Sets Up Competing Market Category 2009

  • Instead, they clung tooth and nail to the idea that “their” format was superior and in the name of market domination they figured they could use brute force (IE Playstation namebrand) to get their Blueray in as the early contender and kill off the less-proprietary hd-dvd (all for the sake of controlling the next-gen media format war).

    EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Sony News Poll 2007

  • For the first time the Horizon namebrand will market products that are not certified organic.

    Profit over Organics: Nation's Largest Dairy Marketer Sets Up Competing Market Category 2009

  • Does she not fall into that category moreso than Obama, being that she is leaning on the "Clinton namebrand" as her validation of entitlement to the presidency?

    Poll: Hillary Gaining Ground In North Carolina 2009

  • Nearly 90% of all namebrand organic dairy products were highly rated in the scorecard (www.

    Organic Dairy Farmers to Rally July 16, Meet with USDA Secretary Vilsack 2009

  • Consumers can choose from the 85% of namebrand dairy products marketers that are complying with both the letter and spirit of the organic law by viewing the organic dairy scorecard at: www.

    USDA Releases New Organic "Pasture Rule" 2008


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