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  • Pender tipped his trademark hat, a narrowbrimmed green-and-black houndstooth check with a tiny feather stuck into the band.

    The Girls He Adored Jonathan Nasaw 2001

  • Pender tipped his trademark hat, a narrowbrimmed green-and-black houndstooth check with a tiny feather stuck into the band.

    The Girls He Adored Jonathan Nasaw 2001

  • Pender tipped his trademark hat, a narrowbrimmed green-and-black houndstooth check with a tiny feather stuck into the band.

    The Girls He Adored Jonathan Nasaw 2001

  • Rachael was pouring tea, her face radiant under a narrowbrimmed, close hat loaded with cherries, her gown of narrow green and white stripes the target for every pair of female eyes in the room.

    The Heart of Rachael Kathleen Thompson Norris 1923


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