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The Lordis wrait unto him, (for he lay [843] within two myles to Sanet Johnestoun,) "That oneles he wald cum and assist thame, thay nather culd spair nor save his place."
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
Erie, nather any to him appertenyng, movit unto us ony sick mater; quhilk, gif thay sould do, yitt ar we not sa sklender in jugement, that inconsidderatlie we wald promeis that quhilk efter we mycht repent.
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
Scottishmen; nather yit that thai had any suche commandiment of thair maister.
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
Archbishop, in very plain terms, "Amangis many utheris his harlottis, he interteayned this harlot Semple, nather bewtifull, of good fame, or utherwayis in any sort notable, except his awin kynsman, and followed him as scho had bene his lauchfull wyffe."
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
That the preacheouris and ministeris should nocht be trubled in thair ministrie, whare thai war alreadie establessed, nather yit stopped to preache, wharesoever thai should chance to come.
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
"That nather had we querrall against any man nather yit sought we any manis bloode; onelie we war conveaned for defence of our awin lyves injustlie sought by uther."
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
"And that," sayes he, "ye may see weakness, owersight, and rashness in taking upon you that quhilk yie nather aught nor can do" (lowsing a litle Hebrew Byble fra his belt and clanking it down on the burd before King and Chancelar), "thair is," says he, "my instructiones and warrand."'
Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series William Morison
'Och, be the powers!' he exclaimed -- 'it's nather a sword nor a pistol I want at all, but only a nate little bit of shillalab in my fist, to bate the thieves of the worruld, and scatter them like the praste scatters the divil wid holy water.'
City Crimes or Life in New York and Boston George Thompson
'He helde the King upon twa groundes sure, nather to cast out with the Kirk nor with England.'
Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series William Morison
Grace to no religioun, so could we nocht of conscience, for the pleasur of any earthlie creature, put silence to Godis trew messingeris; nather culd we suffer that the rycht administratioun of Christis trew sacramentis should gif place to manifest idolatrie; for in so doing, we should declair ourselffis ennemeis to God, to Christ Jesus his Sone, to his eternall veritie, and to the libertie and establishment of his
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox
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