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  • Although, for most of my life a staunch labour supporter, I fear for the future of this country at all levels, as a result of this deeply but often surreptitiously destructive goverment and its essentially neo-marxist ideals.

    On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with... 2009

  • Part I is a reprint of an older post "When Karl Met Sigmund" which is extremely relevant to what is going on today in our country as we ignomoniously slide into a neo-marxist and fascist state, not with a revolutionary bang, but with a "hope and change" whimper.

    Archive 2009-01-01 Dr. Sanity 2009

  • Is it any wonder that both women and men have been shortchanged gang-raped, might be a good term to describe it by the angry, screeching feminists of today's women's movement, who now answer to their neo-marxist masters and are determined to usher in the Caliphate of the X Chromosome.

    Archive 2009-01-01 Dr. Sanity 2009

  • So called neo-marxist sociologists for example E. O. Wright tried to apply the Marxist class theory, but the terms of ownership did not describe the social differences well.

    Class Consciousness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • Some more cynical than I would classify his remarks as 'fearmongering' for political purposes; but I have always pointed out that this is simply the characteristic hysterical style of the neo-marxist fascists of the left.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Dr. Sanity 2009

  • It is discouraging to see this political insanity continue through the efforts of the neo-marxist collectivists like Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Robert Mugabe--and now Barack Obama-- rising on a tide of populist socialist-bullshit.

    Archive 2009-05-01 Dr. Sanity 2009

  • Now days they go to college and after intensive multi-culti, PC, neo-marxist, lit-crit, women ,and LBGT studies indoctrination, they are purged of every creative impulse or original idea.

    America proven frivolous. Ann Althouse 2008

  • If, in contrast, some depressed, neo-marxist political hack out of the Chicago machine does happen to win -- especially in times like these -- the long-term backlash will be significant.

    "The incumbent president has approval ratings somewhere between Robert Mugabe and the ebola virus." Ann Althouse 2008

  • The BBC is in effect a political party (of neo-marxist colour), unaccountable to any electorate and lavishly and compulsorily paid for by the public.

    On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with... 2008

  • The problem with the Archbishop's neo-marxist analysis of geopolitics is that as with almost every one on the Left who makes this argument it ignores the nature of power in the global arena.

    Archive 2007-11-01 2007


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