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  • The letters glow a dim purple in the darkness, just enough to be seen by Ilythiiri nightsight.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Michael Natale 2007

  • So I did some research into tritium, -- I used to have a tritium nightsight on a handgun that was very nice -- and I found there were watches, designed for the military originally, that use the technology.

    Radioactive ... Steve Perry 2007

  • The letters glow a dim purple in the darkness, just enough to be seen by Ilythiiri nightsight.

    Shadows Linger Michael Natale 2007

  • Shit, I'm growing hair thicker than the wool on a blocky Merino sheep, though I'm not wanting to bleat, bleating is for little lambs; I'm in sheep's clothing; I want to GROWLLLLLLLLLL and then HOWLLLLLL like HELLLLLLL at that moon up there, that full god-damned devil moon getting full right before my nightsight eyes.

    Conductor, Slow Down, Please Let Me Off This Bus The Daily Growler 2006

  • I wasn't a marksman so couldn't be given a gun; I was just handed a nightsight and left to it.

    Both Sides of the Fence -A Life Under Cover Corbet, David 2002

  • The ESC-10 descended and hung beside us, humming softly, a colorless ghost craft viewed through nightsight goggles.

    Perseus Spur May, Julian, 1931- 1998

  • Retractable nightsight goggles with an IR option were mounted on a headset that also had an intercom unit.

    Perseus Spur May, Julian, 1931- 1998

  • His nightsight at last pierced the darkness, showing footprints leading off toward the shore.

    Conan and The Gods of The Mountain Green, Roland 1993

  • A technique is to scan the sector once with the optical sight, and then with the nightsight.

    FM 7-91 Chptr 3 Employment/ Antiarmor Platoon United States Army 1987

  • When dismounted, scanning with the nightsight is limited by the amount of operational time available from the nightsight's batteries.

    FM 7-91 Chptr 3 Employment/ Antiarmor Platoon United States Army 1987


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