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  • The clouds by now had shredded and flown on the nightwind, leaving only scattered trails across the face of a brilliant half moon.

    Sick Cycle Carousel 2010

  • But a room of melted glaciers rocking in the nightwind of Stykkishólmur is a good place to ponder it.

    The Best American Poetry 2010 Amy Gerstler 2010

  • But a room of melted glaciers rocking in the nightwind of Stykkishólmur is a good place to ponder it.

    The Best American Poetry 2010 Amy Gerstler 2010

  • But a room of melted glaciers rocking in the nightwind of Stykkishólmur is a good place to ponder it.

    The Best American Poetry 2010 Amy Gerstler 2010

  • We shall sleep cold here, under the nightwind, which whistles through the breaches which heresy has made.

    The Abbot 2008

  • Somewhere a thin whining music struck up, mingling with the hissing of the serpents, like an evil nightwind blowing through the empty sockets of a skull.

    The Conquering Sword Of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • Somewhere a thin whining music struck up, mingling with the hissing of the serpents, like an evil nightwind blowing through the empty sockets of a skull.

    The Conquering Sword of Conan Howard, Robert E. 2005

  • (“HOW tired he will be to-morrow!”) and the peevish whine of a little nightwind round the corners of the house.

    Ultima Thule 2003

  • He had just brushed aside Sovartus's nightwind as a man might brush away a pesky insect.

    Conan the Fearless Perry, Steve 1986

  • That glimmer upon the plain remained despite his broom of nightwind.

    Conan the Fearless Perry, Steve 1986


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