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  • At last, exhausted by talking and bragging and drinking, he fell asleep and Fiona took over and got down to the nittygritty of price.

    Death of a Scriptwriter Beaton, M. C. 1998

  • They also met Fabio Capello, quizzing him about the grounds, the importance of football in this country, and how a World Cup would be supported here, before getting down to the real nittygritty by asking: "David James - are you sure?" - Home 2010

  • MP: I will say that, putting aside the nittygritty of the commission's jurisdiction of one thing over the other.

    BN - Broadcast Newsroom-news 2010

  • I won't go into the nittygritty details of each system, but I will try to share the positive and the negative of each system and what results (if any) I had with each of them.

    InvestorBlogger 2009

  • Talking to Newsline, a former member of the Academic Council Rajib Ray said they have not yet discussed the nittygritty of the semester system with the Vice Chancellor.

    Screen News 2009

  • Question: with Jane and Serge Gainsbourg producing both Lou AND Charlotte as a product of their free-loving, humorously pervy, insanely cool (to a point where talking about them on site like this is almost a cliche) loins, how hard do you wish you had any chance to take a dip in that particular gene pool? first it is winter and then comes spring via nittygritty now (which I highly recommend-the girl has an immaculate taste level)

    Comments for BrightestYoungThings loopy 2010

  • Question: with Jane and Serge Gainsbourg producing both Lou AND Charlotte as a product of their free-loving, humorously pervy, insanely cool (to a point where talking about them on site like this is almost a cliche) loins, how hard do you wish you had any chance to take a dip in that particular gene pool? first it is winter and then comes spring via nittygritty now (which I highly recommend-the girl has an immaculate taste level)

    Comments for BrightestYoungThings marbv 2010

  • Question: with Jane and Serge Gainsbourg producing both Lou AND Charlotte as a product of their free-loving, humorously pervy, insanely cool (to a point where talking about them on site like this is almost a cliche) loins, how hard do you wish you had any chance to take a dip in that particular gene pool? first it is winter and then comes spring via nittygritty now (which I highly recommend-the girl has an immaculate taste level)

    Comments for BrightestYoungThings marbv 2010

  • Question: with Jane and Serge Gainsbourg producing both Lou AND Charlotte as a product of their free-loving, humorously pervy, insanely cool (to a point where talking about them on site like this is almost a cliche) loins, how hard do you wish you had any chance to take a dip in that particular gene pool? first it is winter and then comes spring via nittygritty now (which I highly recommend-the girl has an immaculate taste level)

    Comments for BrightestYoungThings loopy 2010

  • Question: with Jane and Serge Gainsbourg producing both Lou AND Charlotte as a product of their free-loving, humorously pervy, insanely cool (to a point where talking about them on site like this is almost a cliche) loins, how hard do you wish you had any chance to take a dip in that particular gene pool? first it is winter and then comes spring via nittygritty now (which I highly recommend-the girl has an immaculate taste level)

    Comments for BrightestYoungThings loopy 2010


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