
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Not domestic: foreign


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

non- +‎ domestic


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  • Note 98: Given the wide range of cases through which courts developed standards of immunity and liability at this time — including both domestic violence and nondomestic-violence cases — it appears that the standards did not discriminate, at least on the surface, between officers 'responses to "public" violence (for instance, a bar fight) and "private" violence (such as domestic abuse).

    'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S. 2008

  • On the federal level, plaintiffs first charged that their equal protection rights under the Fourteenth Amendment were being violated, given that assaulted black women were not protected equally relative to assaulted white women and white men, and that women assaulted at home were not protected equally relative to victims of nondomestic assaults.

    'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S. 2008

  • When police systematically refused to arrest abusive partners, they failed to protect battered women to the same extent that they protected men or victims of nondomestic (i.e., "stranger") violence.

    'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S. 2008

  • Mr. Dorgan's bill would prevent certain American companies that operate and are incorporated outside the U.S. from being treated as nondomestic corporations, thus denying them the right of tax deferral until their income is brought back to the U.S. Mr. Baucus, chairman of the S.nate Finance Committee, is circulating a draft bill that, among other things, would extend the statute of limitations from three to six years for tax returns reporting international transactions.

    In Defense of Tax Havens 2009

  • The Oregon Senate passed legislation Tuesday that would make it illegal for people to keep certain exotic animals, including crocodiles, alligators, nonhuman primates and nondomestic dogs or cats.

    Archive 2009-03-22 Bill Crider 2009

  • Nissan, in a petition for its removal, points out foreign brands may actually minimize the domestic content in their U.S. cars so they can continue to count as "nondomestic."

    Yes, Detroit Can Be Fixed 2008

  • According to Bundesbank data, between mid-2005 and September 2007 German banks increased their holdings of nondomestic euro-zone assets by €290 billion, including €107 billion in additional debt securities.

    Collateral Damage Meyrick Chapman 2008

  • That's all well and good, but they have not yet made the stamps for nondomestic rates, like Canada and the UK...

    3 Cheers for the USPS The Brillig Blogger 2008

  • The proposed rules will require nondomestic residents who want to avoid taxes on overseas earnings to pay a flat levy of £30,000, or about $58,500, annually.

    Possible U.K. tax change 2008

  • Officials revealed new details including more money to fight AIDS in poor countries, and a spare 0.5 percent increase for nondefense, nondomestic security programs as part of his effort to halve record deficits by 2009.

    mjh's blog — 2004 — January 2004


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