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  • Sleeping northsouth does seem to improve the quality of my slumbers.

    Wildwood Roger Deakin 2009

  • Sleeping northsouth does seem to improve the quality of my slumbers.

    Wildwood Roger Deakin 2009

  • The Northern Hilly Gulf Coastal Plain ecoregion contains several northsouth trending bands of sand and clay formations, and extends north to the Kentucky-Tennessee border.

    Ecoregions of Mississippi (EPA) 2008

  • Mostly I've been using the two large fans to push air through the downstairs house northsouth.

    carpetbagging? not with this stuff.... badger 2006

  • Ben looked toward the body of Victor Toller, which lay face down on the living room carpet, in a northsouth position, so that his head was not far from the front door.

    Eighteen JAN BURKE 2002

  • Ben looked toward the body of Victor Toller, which lay face down on the living room carpet, in a northsouth position, so that his head was not far from the front door.

    Eighteen JAN BURKE 2002

  • When the radio wave was stopped, the atoms began realigning along the northsouth axis, and the realignment motion produced an electric current in a detector outside the body.

    Managing New Product and Process Development Kim B. Clark 1993

  • But I have a strong presentiment that if our respective governments and our respective business communities began to give time and thought to the possibility and means of stimulating and unclogging northsouth trade channels and a de-emphasis of existing east-west lines of demarcation, something of increasing importance to the whole North American Continent might ultimately ensue.

    Some Problems of a U.S.-owned Subsidiary Operating in Canada 1963

  • Three pits were oriented northsouth but their dimensions varied.

    The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito : 1964

  • The Spadina Expressway is proposed as a northsouth artery, fulfilling to a degree the same purpose and need for the western section of the Metropolitan Toronto area, as is intended by the Don Valley Parkway for the eastern section.

    A Glimpse Into Metro Future 1962


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