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  • The next day, some awful police-court missionary or noseyparker from the NSPCC would have shown up on the doorstep, accompanied by said bobby, and in short order, the ‘mother’ and her ‘partner’ would be watching paint somewhere while baby P would be packed off to an orphanage or a care home, staffed by similar noseyparkers and busybodies.

    Public Officials Did Not Kill “Baby P” « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG Inspector Gadget 2008

  • "This other gink, " said the third well-armed intruder, -is no doubt Jack Summer, muckraking vidjournalist and noseyparker.

    Galaxy Jane Goulart, Ron, 1933- 1986

  • During prayer, one is supposed to keep one’s eyes closed, so I couldn’t even cast a protective eye around myself or try to catch the noseyparker who was sneaking a censorious peek at my soles.

    Beginner’s Grace Kate Braestrup 2010

  • During prayer, one is supposed to keep one’s eyes closed, so I couldn’t even cast a protective eye around myself or try to catch the noseyparker who was sneaking a censorious peek at my soles.

    Beginner’s Grace Kate Braestrup 2010

  • During prayer, one is supposed to keep one’s eyes closed, so I couldn’t even cast a protective eye around myself or try to catch the noseyparker who was sneaking a censorious peek at my soles.

    Beginner’s Grace Kate Braestrup 2010


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