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  • Add (new CodeNamespaceImport ( "System")); nspace.

    博客园-首页原创精华区 破浪 2010

  • In D.nspace Project's semiannual event-for which donations (of food or cash) go to the food-distribution program at St. Mark's Church In-the-Bowery-the downtown experimentalist Ursula Eagly and D.nspace's own technical director, Enrico D. Wey, explore movement created by academics, lighting designers, and composers.

    The New Yorker 2009

  • In D.nspace Project's semiannual event-for which donations (of food or cash) go to the food-distribution program at St. Mark's Church In-the-Bowery-the downtown experimentalist Ursula Eagly and D.nspace's own technical director, Enrico D. Wey, explore movement created by academics, lighting designers, and composers.

    The New Yorker 2009


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