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  • He argues that the Democratic administration has boosted "[a] nti-Israelism and other forms of latent anti-Semitism."

    Ira Forman: The Dumbing Down of American Politics 2009

  • Ich hoffe es is nun Klar ist, wobei Rassisumus und nti-asiatischen sowie anti-amerikanern Wuerzeln den ganze Prozessen einer wichtige Role bis jetzt in dem Visaprozesses abgespielt ist.

    OpEdNews - Diary: German Visa Office Use Chastity Strategy to Stop Births of Non Germans 2009

  • Some of President Barack Obama's critics go further and claim that this administration has boosted "[a] nti-Israelism and other forms of latent anti-Semitism."

    Marc R. Stanley: Why Jews Overwhelmingly Support Obama 2009

  • Their project called Nuclear Security Project under the auspices of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (www. has worked both nationally and internationally ever since to build consensus for their efforts.

    63 Years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, "The Last Best Chance" 2008

  • From the changing public opinion to the embracing of a nuclear weapons free world by conservative leaders including Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, William Perry, and Sam Nunn of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (www. to U.S. presidential elections and a changing of the leadership in 4 out of the 5 original nuclear states from 2007 – 2010, the future is before us.

    Taxes, Budget Priorities and Nuclear Weapons - a Dangerous Shell Game 2008

  • P.nti, G. (1998): Multi-valued logics, in: D. Gabbay, P. Smets

    Many-Valued Logic Gottwald, Siegfried 2004

  • She'll see her aunt, the woman she calls Bi nti ig Ma, ho brought her up and, according to Kwan, horribly abused her, pinching her cheeks so hard she left her with crescent-shaped scars.

    the secret sense Tan, Amy 1995

  • Zaf-nti-pa-ankh, ` nourisher of the living one, 'i.e., of the

    Easton's Bible Dictionary M.G. Easton 1897

  • There is scarcely a supreme Brahm [= a] in the epic itself, but there is a great Brahm [= a], and a greater (older) than the sectarian gods in the old Brahmanic legends, while the old Brahmanhood reasserts itself sporadically in the Ç [= a] nti, etc, and tells how the sectarian gods became supreme, how they quarrelled and laid the strife.

    The Religions of India Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume 1, Edited by Morris Jastrow Edward Washburn Hopkins 1894

  • S.nti Pagnini, having been removed to S.ena as prior, Fra Bartolommeo made Mariotto guardian and instructor of his young brother Piero, signing a contract that Mariotto was to have the use and management of all estates and possessions of Piero, which included several poderi in the country, as well as the house at the Porta Romana (S. Pier Gattolini).

    Fra Bartolommeo Scott, Leader, 1837-1902 1881


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