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  • Now, that's going on right nuas we speak in Kansas.

    CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2008 2008

  • Então, foi lá o homem da tv cabo, não é, e o meu pai diz “vê lá se se despacha a meter isso, que eu quero ver o filme de gajas nuas que vai dar daqui a uma hora”.

    Nos detalhes Artur 2006

  • Enterrada entre pesquisas sobre João Aguiar, Julius Knipl (essa fabulosa obra de Ben Catchor) e espirais douradas (um dia destes tenho de falar disso) encontrei esta pérola: paizagens de gaijas nuas.

    Porto seguro Artur 2006

  • Asian Boobs: meninas asiáticas semi-nuas em poses sensuais esta na App Store | Atulo - O amigo do iPhone

    App Store Hypocrisy Update: “Asian Boobs” Fine, Top Seller. Satirical App, Banned. MG Siegler 2005

  • Individuals working in areas where common beans are an important crop might well want to take a look at nuas.

    3: Staple crops 1996

  • Protein content is slightly lower in nuas than in other common beans (20.0% vs. 22.2%); starch (40.9% vs 35.5%) and amylose (18.1% vs 17.2%) are higher.

    3: Staple crops 1996

  • However, when nuas are boiled, they take a long time to reach an edible state and the broth in which they are cooked is

    3: Staple crops 1996

  • There is no difference in moisture content between nuas and other common beans, but in nuas there is less space for steam to diffuse upon heating.

    3: Staple crops 1996

  • The international research center CIAT in Cali, Colombia is working (on a small scale) with nuas.

    3: Staple crops 1996

  • The percentage of protein which can be digested was slightly lower in popped than in boiled nuas (76.6% vs 79.1%).

    3: Staple crops 1996


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