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  • In other words new fields are not being found in large enough quantities and size to ofset our use.

    Crystal balls : The Five Year View Canadian silver bug/Green Assassin Brigade 2009

  • My feeling is that this won't be any better than what the government came up with for the older generation in their sublemental insurance plans to help ofset Medicare coverage.

    Poll: Obama drops on health care 2009

  • I have always said that 9/11, Irak combined with Afganistan is a conspirancy ofset up by the most powerfull people in the world where the Bush Sr, Cheny and the Bin Ladens are part of.

    McClellan hints at supporting Obama 2008

  • Though let me put in the disclaimer that undoubtedly it's true that higher temperatures evaporate more H2O; the question is to what extent this is ofset by increased cloudiness, etc.

    Wegman report released « Climate Audit 2006

  • But as I said, this will eventually be ofset by increased weathering on land and by dissolution of CaCo3 from shells.

    We Have 25 Years Invested in This Work… « Climate Audit 2005

  • The payments would be ofset with exports of beef, tobacco, sugar and other selected products to

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2002

  • In February of this year, the trade deficit consisted of a $50.12 billion deficit in goods ofset by a 11.58 surplus in services.

    US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha 2010

  • Not only that it can be claimed as an "asset" thereby making the compnay worth more, but can be ofset against profit before tax therefoe reducing their tax liability.

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • In February of this year, the trade deficit consisted of a $50.12 billion deficit in goods ofset by a 11.58 surplus in services. Home Page 2010

  • I wonder how many trees one has to plant to ofset a burning Pugot?

    Knowledge is Power 2009


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