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  • I also went to the store to buy an 'omamori' which is a good luck charm. Recent Updates 2009

  • In Kabuki, the '' omamori '' is always used by characters to identify some previously unknown relatives.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • In Kabuki, the '' omamori '' is always used by characters to identify some previously unknown relatives.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • I also went to the store to buy an 'omamori' which is a good luck charm. Recent Updates 2009

  • Others included 13 people with handmade straps, and 11 people with omamori charms or power stones.

    Kawaii-ing up your mobile with cell phone straps 2007

  • Her luxury was an "omamori gohonzon" - a Buddhist ornament used to focus the mind during chanting and her chosen book was - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • The Buddhist temples are called tera (寺) while the Shinto shrines are called jinja (神社), and ostensibly they worship different gods, but generally people go to them to do the same things - namely omikuji, throwing coins into donation boxes, and buying omamori. Antenna 2009

  • In Kabuki, the omamori is always used by characters to identify some previously unknown relatives.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • See fresh stock of this item, plus more Shinto omamori good luck charms, Shodo Calligraphy Set, Natural Woo Chopsticks for Lovers and more.

    J-List side blog 2009

  • The Buddhist temples are called tera (寺) while the Shinto shrines are called jinja (神社), and ostensibly they worship different gods, but generally people go to them to do the same things - namely omikuji, throwing coins into donation boxes, and buying omamori.

    Ramblings of DarkMirage 2009


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