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  • While total on-trade beer volumes fell by 7.8% in 2010, cask fell by only about 2% – and the report says 7.8 million people drink cask beer in the UK, an 11% increase since 2007.

    Real ale 'helping UK pubs stay open' 2011

  • We resent this to such an extent that a huge section of the wine trade is devoted exclusively to supplying wines to the "on-trade" market that are not readily available in the off-trade, where we could compare prices and calculate those mark-ups.

    Wine Metropolis 2009

  • But she hit out at cheap drinks deals in the on-trade, highlighting promotions such as all-you-can-drink and free drinks for women.

    New Labour Logic - Add costs to a struggling industry. FIDO The Dog 2009

  • We resent this to such an extent that a huge section of the wine trade is devoted exclusively to supplying wines to the "on-trade" market that are not readily available in the off-trade, where we could compare prices and calculate those mark-ups.

    Wine Metropolis 2009

  • Symphonial is an elegant, affordable and innovative selection of 15 French wines specifically created for the on-trade market including Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2006, Crémant de Bourgogne blanc de blanc and three light wines such as the 9% Languedoc Rosé Grenache.

    Archive 2008-04-01 Thatsnews 2008

  • • Symphonial: a range of entry- to medium wines created for the on-trade sector.

    Archive 2008-04-01 Thatsnews 2008

  • The beer market is declining in the UK, especially in the on-trade, but input costs are increasing sharply.

    Archive 2008-06-01 FIDO The Dog 2008

  • Taieb said: We understand that wine is a business in its own right in the on-trade market so it is important for us to offer high-quality wines at realistic prices.

    Archive 2008-04-01 Thatsnews 2008

  • The on-trade sold 144 million fewer pints during April to June this year compared with the same quarter in 2007 – down 1.6 million pints a day.

    Archive 2008-07-01 FIDO The Dog 2008

  • Supermarkets will continue to sell at below cost price despite this measure - it's the on-trade, which provides a safe and responsible drinking atmosphere, that's going to be hit.

    Archive 2008-03-01 FIDO The Dog 2008


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