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  • Capital-light business models such as oneforty's aren't without risks, and listening to Latest Articles 2010

  • Just leave oneforty for 2-3 months, people will forget it and move to the next one, just like thousands of twitter apps that was created a year ago. reply

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • There is not much talent involved in making the oneforty type of sites.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • A good reason to buy oneforty is to make it so that the twitter apps are known — If I were twitter, I would make a twitter exchange of my own and show off all twitter apps out there.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • Of course for the free downloads and sites, such as TwitPic or TweetDeck, oneforty will just direct you to their sites, where you can download or access the application. oneforty also lists Twitter-related books and paraphanalia, with affiliate links to Amazon. com.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • As another point, it took OneForty almost 9 months and over $250,000 invested as well as pretty much full time investment from oneforty management (Laura Fitton and her team) as well as guidance from a number of mentors like Techstars/Kawasaki etc.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • The easy turnkey acquisition of oneforty is simplicity itself and probably $1.5 mm MAX price which is cheap if you look at the opportunity cost of building it themselves as well as the internal cost which would likely be more than you would believe.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • It makes sense for Twitter to acquire oneforty for a couple of reasons.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • Now, someone please tell me why Twitter cannot build its own AppStore and should buy a fairly basic site like oneforty. com?

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005

  • If Twitter buys oneforty for $2M we are truly in bubble 2.0.

    Should Twitter Buy Oneforty? Leena Rao 2005


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