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  • To even find someone one onehundredth the person you are ..

    ...Maybe. breathelilac 2007

  • That disc was less than half the size of Sol's at Earth, its coal-glow light little more than one onehundredth.

    Inconstant Star Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1991

  • It was in 1977 that we celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of the landing of Manzo Nagano, the first Japanese immigrant, at New Westminster, British Columbia.

    Recent Developments in Japan-Canada Relations 1983

  • We have had three wars; the Houses of Parliament were partially destroyed by fire in 1916, no doubt to the delight of many Canadians; the first woman was elected to the Parliament of Canada in 1921; and in 1967 we celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of Confederation, at which time Queen Victoria's great-granddaughter, our Sovereign Queen Elizabeth 11, addressed Parliament.

    Dominion of Canada Day Luncheon 1983


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