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  • "A friend of mine, David Polinchock, coined the term 'oneline' which describes the merging of the online and offline experiences," wrote Marge Laney, president, Alert Technologies.

    Nordstrom Links Clicks With Bricks 2010

  • "A friend of mine, David Polinchock, coined the term 'oneline' which describes the merging of the online and offline experiences," wrote Marge Laney, president, Alert Technologies.

    Nordstrom Links Clicks With Bricks 2010

  • Nordstrom executes this oneline experience seamlessly and elegantly.

    Nordstrom Links Clicks With Bricks 2010

  • Nordstrom executes this oneline experience seamlessly and elegantly.

    Nordstrom Links Clicks With Bricks 2010

  • There is every bit of information one could dream of oneline, isn't there?

    Web Walk « Fairegarden 2008

  • The untitled CD (and their previous 2003 self-titled album) is out on the collective-run Dependent Music label, and can be purchased online from the label's online store or from the Maple Music oneline store.

    Music (For Robots): September 2005 Archives 2005

  • The untitled CD (and their previous 2003 self-titled album) is out on the collective-run Dependent Music label, and can be purchased online from the label's online store or from the Maple Music oneline store.

    No Sleep Till Winter (Music (For Robots)) 2005

  • I saw some oneline that I think I'll order to see what they are like.

    Chicken with Roasted Lemons, Green Olives, and Capers Kalyn Denny 2006

  • New Shit:: Older Crap:: Fecal Matters:: Bathroom Wall:: Sewage Spill think im jsut gonna stop caring for a bit. i failed tonight but reading oneline tonight does'nt amke me feel so bad. i'm giving it a shot between working and relaxation i find little time. maybe i suck. todays thought.

    [ so what am i ] on 04.27.03 @ 5:06 am empty-dreams 2003

  • Yet now oneline press reports indicate that a soldier of 121 battalion has been arrested in connection with the murders.



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