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  • Pick up pieces of paper you find lying on the sidewalk and add those with interesting messages scribbled on them to your notebook; collect secrets from postsecret.; copy interesting sentences from onesentence. org; even twitter can be a source of good material for your notebook.

    Inspiration on Demand: Create a Swipe File | Write to Done 2008

  • The ILO report is an extremely complex document and when the AP writes an article with a statement indicatinga formula for determininga specific number, readers should be provided with more than a onesentence definition.

    An Open Letter to Associated Press 2007

  • Funny, sad, or heartwarming stories told in just one sentence on onesentence. org:

    .think - A Brainstorm blog 2009

  • Iā€™m a big fan of and this looks like fun too. on April 23, 2007 at 5:42 am | Reply first50

    Duck « First 50 Words ā€“ Writing Prompts 2007


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