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  • The British, however, reconciled themselves to it only because of its vagueness, and the French reserved the right to apply the Fourteen Points onesidedly and to demand much more, which at the 1919 peace conference they duly did, Wilson lacking the ruthlessness and perhaps the capacity to insist on Clemenceau yielding.

    How Wars end Gideon Rose 2010

  • In the realm of life, cause and effect are not so onesidedly fixed as in the realm of mechanical forces.

    Man or Matter Ernst Lehrs

  • Renaissance, also shows a certain clumsiness and unrest, which in the rococo develops onesidedly into absolute irregularity, to be changed in the Classicism which followed, into the exact opposite, a pedantic, inflexible rigidity.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman 1840-1916 1913

  • But these special interests had been as a rule drawn upon too onesidedly.

    The English Novel George Saintsbury 1889

  • Hicks made Cather look like a one-sided writer, and he paid for the privilege by writing onesidedly himself.

    Mises Institute Daily Articles (Full-text version) 2010

  • As Professor WINDELBAND puts it: "We no longer onesidedly characterise

    Bygone Beliefs 1969


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