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  • The use of an onscene facial photo of bin Laden to get a 95% certain identification in seconds was an example of this capability.

    Richard Klass: Death of a Salesman Richard Klass 2011

  • The use of an onscene facial photo of bin Laden to get a 95% certain identification in seconds was an example of this capability.

    Richard Klass: Death of a Salesman Richard Klass 2011

  • Here, for example, is an account, via Juan Cole, of the constant low-grade warfare in Basra, a crucial part of the country we know little about (a recent attempt by CBS news to do some onscene reporting led to the kidnapping of two journalist -- Basra is a very dangerous place.)

    Today in Iraq…and Tomorrow - Swampland - 2008

  • What I was told was she was one of the first to arrive onscene and to take the suspect under fire.

    CNN Transcript Nov 6, 2009 2009

  • The death penalty also lay behind a bizarre proposal from veteran TV broadcaster Mike Wallace, who suggested that "" 60 Minutes '' should air an onscene account of McVeigh's execution.

    Death-Penalty Taboos 2008

  • I asked a cameraman who was onscene with a satellite truck what in the hell was happening, and he told me the police had responded to a call about a man who was behaving in a menacing fashion.

    Man tasered to death on Christmas Eve a block or so from my home 2005

  • I asked a cameraman who was onscene with a satellite truck what in the hell was happening, and he told me the police had responded to a call about a man who was behaving in a menacing fashion.

    Archive 2005-12-01 2005

  • SAWYER: Our ambulance -- first ambulance was onscene approximately eight minutes after they were dispatched.

    CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2001 2001

  • At which time, our tactical officers, along with our hostage negotiators were sent in and started to work with the, again, the FBI and the state police onscene immediately, and took over the Pizza Hut right next to it, just east of it, and used it as a command post to set up the negotiations with this subject.

    CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2001 2001

  • That's just a thumbnail sketch of what we are involved in today as far as our onscene investigation goes.

    CNN Transcript Feb 2, 2000 2000


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