
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of orisha.


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  • The book's charismatic protagonist is Santiago Castañeda Vera, a spiritual practitioner who "works" the spirits of the dead and whose sacred oricha is Yemaya, the mother of the waters.

    Archive 2008-04-01 Christopher 2008

  • The book's charismatic protagonist is Santiago Castañeda Vera, a spiritual practitioner who "works" the spirits of the dead and whose sacred oricha is Yemaya, the mother of the waters.

    Duke Publish Fantistic Photographic Enthnography Of Santeria Christopher 2008

  • "Ochun is the oricha, or deity, that wears yellow and lives in the rivers," says this man.

    CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2005 2005


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