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  • Econo-journalist Robert J. Samuelson:We Americans seem to be in the process of becoming wildly overhoused.

    Middle Class Squeeze, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • Last week Healey had this to say about the current housing crisis in Massachusetts: to extend tax breaks to seniors in order to keep them overhoused and isolated in the suburbs is not necessarily the right answer ... they're probably aging in homes that are too expensive or difficult for them to maintain and where the property taxes are larger than their fixed incomes.

    The Chimes at Midnight 2005

  • It is true that you can never hope to buy back the estates which you were compelled to sell at your father's death: the old manufacturer gripes them too firmly to loosen his hold; and after all, even were your income double what it is, you would be overhoused in the vast pile in which your father buried so large a share of his fortune.

    The Parisians — Volume 02 Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • It is true that you can never hope to buy back the estates which you were compelled to sell at your father's death: the old manufacturer gripes them too firmly to loosen his hold; and after all, even were your income double what it is, you would be overhoused in the vast pile in which your father buried so large a share of his fortune.

    The Parisians — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838


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