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  • If we want to deport a criminal who is an illegal overstayer, or an unlawful non-citizen (how Orwellian!) then we can.

    Summertime Blues. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG Inspector Gadget 2008

  • Torty is probably also an illegal immigrant and overstayer, although immigration wasn\'t counting when she arrived in 1918. '

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Refugee Torty leads an epic life By KATHY WEBB 2009

  • Torty is probably also an illegal immigrant and overstayer, although immigration wasn't counting when she arrived in 1918.

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Refugee Torty leads an epic life By KATHY WEBB 2009

  • Moreover, one cannot but wonder how much good such a database would do in preventing visa holders from overstaying their welcome, as there is no way to find an overstayer in the vast USA without resorting to the kind of dragnets that are wholly un-American.

    Amitai Etzioni: The Immigration Hypocrisy 2008

  • Many thanks to Tony Lloyd MP and Liam Byrne MP and everyone else involved in the release from detention today of Elly Kiptarbei Tarus right, a young Kenyan athlete who has been trying to join the British Forces and has become an overstayer in the process.

    Archive 2008-03-23 2008

  • Many thanks to Tony Lloyd MP and Liam Byrne MP and everyone else involved in the release from detention today of Elly Kiptarbei Tarus right, a young Kenyan athlete who has been trying to join the British Forces and has become an overstayer in the process.

    Immigration and Borders: What a Day We've Had 2008

  • As I predicted earlier, it turned out that he was a visa overstayer … ..

    tips for tourists in London 2005

  • As things stand Tarus must leave voluntarily within 30 days or be classed overstayer and future pariah.

    Archive 2007-03-25 2007

  • Our laws may have to be modified particularly on human rights to deport an illegal immigrant and any overstayer without the benefit of a court hearing.

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2011

  • Our laws may have to be modified particularly on human rights to deport an illegal immigrant and any overstayer without the benefit of a court hearing.

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2011


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