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  • Djezzar, who had returned to his pachalik, having early news of the movement, despatched a force, consisting principally of cavalry, to support the garrison of El-A'rich, and they were joined there by Ibrahim Bey with a force of Mamelukes.

    At Aboukir and Acre A Story of Napoleon's Invasion of Egypt 1867

  • Thirdly, I require that for the rest of my life I shall retain, without annual re-investiture, my pachalik of

    Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836

  • There he acquired complete knowledge of the details of the pachalik and the affairs of the pacha, preparing himself to govern the one when he had got rid of the other.

    Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836

  • There could be no doubt as to the result of the inquiry; therefore, the pacha, who had no suspicions of his son-in-law's duplicity, determined not to leave his pachalik.

    Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836

  • He succeeded in acquiring the pachalik of Janina, which was granted him by the Porte under the title of "arpalik," or conquest.

    Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836

  • By the aid of the French Ambassador, whom he had convinced of his devotion to the Emperor Napoleon, he succeeded in getting the pachalik of Morea bestowed on Veli, and that of Lepanto on Mouktar.

    Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836

  • Mahomet; then quitting the scene of his apostasy, recommenced his profession of barber in the territory of the pacha; whose good-will he had obtained previous to the latter's advancement to the pachalik.

    The Pacha of Many Tales Frederick Marryat 1820

  • Success attended him, and the pacha, his predecessor, having in his opinion, as well as in that of the sultan, remained an unusual time in office, by an accusation enforced by a thousand purses of gold, he was enabled to produce a bowstring for his benefactor; and the sultan's "firmaun" appointed him to the vacant pachalik.

    The Pacha of Many Tales Frederick Marryat 1820

  • Mahomet; then quitting the scene of his apostacy, recommenced his profession of barber in the territory of the pacha; whose good-will he had obtained previous to the latter's advancement to the pachalik.

    The Pacha of Many Tales Frederick Marryat 1820

  • Success attended him, and the pacha, his predecessor, having in his opinion, as well as in that of the sultan, remained an unusual time in office, by an accusation enforced by a thousand purses of gold, he was enabled to produce a bowstring for his benefactor; and the sultan's "firman" appointed him to the vacant pachalik.

    The Pacha of Many Tales Frederick Marryat 1820


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