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  • It remains unclear whether the idea of a civil union, called a pacte civil de solidarité, or PACS, has responded to a shift in social attitudes or caused one.

    NYT > Home Page By SCOTT SAYARE 2010

  • It remains unclear whether the idea of a civil union, called a pacte civil de solidarité, or PACS, has responded to a shift in social attitudes or caused one.

    NYT > Home Page By SCOTT SAYARE 2010

  • It remains unclear whether the idea of a civil union, called a pacte civil de solidarité, or PACS, has responded to a shift in social attitudes or caused one.

    NYT > Home Page By SCOTT SAYARE 2010

  • It remains unclear whether the idea of a civil union, called a pacte civil de solidarité, or PACS, has responded to a shift in social attitudes or caused one.

    NYT > Global Home By SCOTT SAYARE 2010

  • In 1999, marital laws were amended to include a legal civil union called PACS -- pacte civil de solidarité as an alternative to traditional marriage.

    Susan Pease Gadoua: Should Traditional Marriage Be Our Only Option? Susan Pease Gadoua 2011

  • In 1999, marital laws were amended to include a legal civil union called PACS -- pacte civil de solidarité as an alternative to traditional marriage.

    Susan Pease Gadoua: Should Traditional Marriage Be Our Only Option? Susan Pease Gadoua 2011

  • In 1999, marital laws were amended to include a legal civil union called PACS -- pacte civil de solidarité as an alternative to traditional marriage.

    Susan Pease Gadoua: Should Traditional Marriage Be Our Only Option? Susan Pease Gadoua 2011

  • In 1999, marital laws were amended to include a legal civil union called PACS -- pacte civil de solidarité as an alternative to traditional marriage.

    Susan Pease Gadoua: Should Traditional Marriage Be Our Only Option? Susan Pease Gadoua 2011

  • The Pacs (pacte civil de solidarite) – the partnership contract introduced in 1999 mainly with gays and lesbians in mind – is now more popular with heterosexuals than homosexuals.

    French Fall Out of Love With Marriage Habit | Impact Lab 2007

  • He said that what Romney had intended to refer to was the French version of civil unions, called “PaCs” from “pacte civil de solidarite.”

    The Three-Month Itch - Swampland - 2007


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