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  • An article in New Youth fired the first shot in the battle between wen-li, the ancient classical written language intelligible only to scholars, and pai-hua baihua, the despised medium of ordinary speech.

    PEARL BUCK IN CHINA Hilary Spurling 2010

  • Pearl herself said that she spoke and thought in pai-hua more readily than she did in English.

    PEARL BUCK IN CHINA Hilary Spurling 2010

  • A Columbia PhD student newly returned from the United States, Hu was the champion of pai-hua, arguing his case with a “brilliance and persuasiveness” that electrified young people like Pearl: “We recognized a fresh force in modern China.”

    PEARL BUCK IN CHINA Hilary Spurling 2010

  • An article in New Youth fired the first shot in the battle between wen-li, the ancient classical written language intelligible only to scholars, and pai-hua baihua, the despised medium of ordinary speech.

    PEARL BUCK IN CHINA Hilary Spurling 2010

  • Pearl herself said that she spoke and thought in pai-hua more readily than she did in English.

    PEARL BUCK IN CHINA Hilary Spurling 2010

  • A Columbia PhD student newly returned from the United States, Hu was the champion of pai-hua, arguing his case with a “brilliance and persuasiveness” that electrified young people like Pearl: “We recognized a fresh force in modern China.”

    PEARL BUCK IN CHINA Hilary Spurling 2010


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