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  • And this dear "parrain" took her hand and lifted it to his grateful lips.

    Villette Charlotte Bront�� 1835

  • Jean-Marc's cher ami d'enfance* and the parrain* of my son, Max (quelle chance!).

    French Word-A-Day: 2008

  • Jean-Marc's cher ami d'enfance* and the parrain* of my son, Max (quelle chance!).

    avocat - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • Jean-Marc's cher ami d'enfance* and the parrain* of my son, Max (quelle chance!).

    French Word-A-Day: 2008

  • "Rafic Hariri était d'un calibrage conforme aux spécifications de ses mentors, son parrain saoudien et le protecteur américain de la pétromonarchie." thanks Karim

    Tuesday, February 28, 2006 As'ad 2006

  • And this dear “parrain” took her hand and lifted it to his grateful lips.

    Villette 2003

  • Il regardoit comme le plus beau jour de sa vie celui o� il seroit le parrain de ce prince.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003

  • This is a line that Dr John sings as "My marraine see your parrain."

    Iko Iko 1977

  • This is a line that Dr John sings as "My marraine see your parrain."

    Iko Iko 1977

  • Mr. Holman-Black is parrain (godfather) to three hundred and twenty soldiers at the Front, not only providing them with winter and summer underclothing, bedding, sleeping-suits, socks, and all the lighter articles they have the privilege of asking for, but also writing from fifteen to twenty letters to his filleuls daily.

    The Living Present Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 1902


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