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  • Beadie put his presentation case into the passengerside footwell and climbed into the seat.

    It's October, 1956. Shelagh Power-Chopra 2010

  • I was kind of dark where they hit and It was dark so I didnt really see the impact but I did see the cop cars back lights swerve and then stop and seen the front passenger side of the state troopers mustang smashed into the buicks entire passengerside … but like I said he didnt have his lights on going into the intersection he turned them on after he had hit the buick …

    [Help] Most Recent Posts 2008

  • I was kind of dark where they hit and It was dark so I didnt really see the impact but I did see the cop cars back lights swerve and then stop and seen the front passenger side of the state troopers mustang smashed into the buicks entire passengerside … but like I said he didnt have his lights on going into the intersection he turned them on after he had hit the buick …

    [Help] Most Recent Posts 2008


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