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  • Strangely enough, when my wife and I went to Italy on our honeymoon, the most popular pizza among the children in the town we stayed was pizza con wurstel e patatine, which is basically pizza with sliced-up hotdogs and french fries as the toppings.

    MetaFilter 2009

  • Let's leave aside the fact that, for some of my buds in Italy, a food-centric lifestyle means stopping at "Burgies" for a double-patty and some patatine frite.

    Sharon Glassman: What is Work? La Dolce Vita at Dinnertime 2009

  • niente male, che aveva come contorno patatine fritte e pasta e fagioli!

    Archive 2009-02-01 Ra 2009

  • niente male, che aveva come contorno patatine fritte e pasta e fagioli!

    Sometimes work happens Ra 2009


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