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  • English fashion against such a winter as this, and the Capri fisherman prefers to regard it as something abnormal, exceptional, to be borne with "pazienza" and a shrug of the shoulders.

    Stray Studies from England and Italy John Richard Greene 1860

  • "pazienza" till the progress of education shall have secured him a wife who won't grudge him his dinner.

    Stray Studies from England and Italy John Richard Greene 1860

  • “Girato in cinque giorni a Johannesburg, ogni fotogramma del Mostro Sticky, altro 15 metri, ha richiesto 10000 post-it ed infinita pazienza.”

    No Fat Clips!!! : MTN: Stickies 2008

  • Prima di tutto, fatemi ringraziare Wouter Stoter regista, con Daniel Bruce, del video per la pazienza con cui ha sopportato i miei capricci da geek; e per la clip.

    No Fat Clips!!! : COPARCK – A Good Year for the Robots 2007

  • Bisogna avere una gran pazienza ed è sicuramente più facile se il tuo partner ti piace.

    Archive 2006-12-01 Decio Biavati 2006

  • But those who have seen _pallone_ will not, perhaps, so much wonder at the Italians, nor condemn them for not playing their own game, when they remember that the French have turned them out of their only amphitheatre adapted for it, and left them only _pazienza_.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 24, October, 1859 Various

  • High and low cry out against it, but -- _pazienza!

    Old Calabria Norman Douglas 1910

  • "Oh, pazienza, Beppo mio!" she said, giving him a little shake.

    The Italian Twins Lucy Fitch Perkins 1901

  • I was a little, little vexed by a letter this morning from my brother George; but pazienza, we must bear these things.

    The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Browning, Elizabeth B 1898

  • 'Per Bacco, ho una fame terribile, e non voglio aver piu pazienza con questo Dottore.'

    The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Browning, Elizabeth B 1898


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