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  • I called my pcp and she had me immediately come in.

    Ovarian Cancer Symptoms aka TBTAM 2007

  • Me, Livi and some other people were at a party and Livi gave me sum "pcp" (it looked like Mike and Ike's lol) and then I cut one in half to give to someone else.

    clashpunk Diary Entry clashpunk 2004

  • September 23rd, 2009 4: 11 pm ET by her behavior sounds like acid or pcp

    Woman vanishes after arrest 2009

  • I have been totally wierded out seeing my ob and pcp out in public.

    Close Encounters aka TBTAM 2008

  • I think the kool-aide must be laced with pcp for all you robots not to see him for what he really is.

    Obama to GOP: 'Lay off my wife' 2008

  • Follow up with pcp (she still is between a wierd case of appendicitis or adhesions).

    Ovarian Cancer Symptoms aka TBTAM 2007

  • ā€œI did so much cocaine, ketamine, pcp, nitrous oxide, and all sorts of other drugs, that, quite simply, my brain is fuckd up.ā€

    Steve-O Cocaine Possession: Steve-O Charged Cocaine Possession Felony 2008

  • Ask the pharmesisus for the GOOD nasal decongetion which is no longer put in medicines because people were turning into pcp or something.

    So now apparently Iā€™m sick 2008

  • Doesn't help that there was a pcp that wouldn't touch autoimmune, so she's had to switch doctors again and has some trust issues with doctors in general since this autoimmune was so subtle early on.

    Amazing 1 Dinosaur 2008

  • Vietnam, nuclear proliferation, racial, generational and class warfare; heroin, pcp, and methamphetamine abuse on a large scale.

    No Colors Anymore...The Sixties Painted Black 2008


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