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  • It was suspended in the pitch darkness of the X-ray room like a satellite in empty space, a spiral cord running from it to a pencilsized wand filled with seawater.

    POSTMORTEM Patricia Cornwell 1990

  • It was suspended in the pitch darkness of the X-ray room like a satellite in empty space, a spiral cord running from it to a pencilsized wand filled with seawater.

    POSTMORTEM Patricia Cornwell 1990

  • It was suspended in the pitch darkness of the X-ray room like a satellite in empty space, a spiral cord running from it to a pencilsized wand filled with seawater.

    POSTMORTEM Patricia Cornwell 1990

  • It was suspended in the pitch darkness of the X-ray room like a satellite in empty space, a spiral cord running from it to a pencilsized wand filled with seawater.

    POSTMORTEM Patricia Cornwell 1990


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