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  • Yesterday's term was pendente lite, which is defined as:

    Define That Term #52 2006

  • If, _pendente lite_, we may assume the facts to be as suggested, pp. 44-46, it illustrates admirably Professor Kittredge's warning, quoted above, that ballads already in circulation may be adapted to the circumstances of a recent occurrence.

    Ballads of Scottish Tradition and Romance Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Third Series Various

  • True, there are arguments in plenty on the other side, and pretty notorious arguments; but, _pendente lite_, and until these opposite pleas are brought forward, it is supposed that the Cobden pleas have a brief provisional existence -- they are good for the moment.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV. Various

  • Alimony pendente lite might be allowed in a suit belonging to either class, but permanent alimony in a suit for separation only.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize 1840-1916 1913

  • There are two kinds of alimony, the one kind, alimony pendente lite, being an allowance to the wife pending a suit between herself and her husband, and the other the allowance or provision after suit, and which is known as permanent alimony.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize 1840-1916 1913

  • A week or so later we made our motion for alimony and counsel fee _pendente lite_, and in spite of the vehement affidavit of Chester Gates, Esquire, that he had never seen or heard of the plaintiff nor been married to anybody in his life, the court granted us two hundred and fifty dollars as counsel fee.

    The Confessions of Artemas Quibble Arthur Cheney Train 1910

  • At Saint Bartemeus's workhouse, a notice was posted forbidding the officials, assistants and servants to enter the Baby's room, pendente lite, or to render it any service or assistance on pain of dismissal.

    The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10 1905

  • 'Oh no! His head's sticking out quite clear, and' -- Eames rushed the fence -- 'we've put him in your garage -- er _pendente lite_.'

    A Diversity of Creatures Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • Year's present, of which Bacon says, "I confess and declare that I received at New Year's tide an hundred pounds from Sir John Trevor, and because it came as a New Year's Gift, I neglected to inquire whether the cause was ended or depending; but since I find that though the cause was then dismissed to a trial at law, yet the equity is reserved, so as it was in that kind _pendente lite_."

    A Book About Lawyers John Cordy Jeaffreson 1866

  • You chuckled at her writing letters to the plaintiff _pendente lite.

    A Terrible Temptation A Story of To-Day Charles Reade 1849


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