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  • I have to admit, I do kind of like the idea of coming up with some insanely pretentious penname for my erotica.

    Sidelines « 2009

  • Based on the best-selling novels by Sherrilyn Kenyon (written originally under her penname of Kinley MacGregor) comes Lords Of Avalon: Sword Of Darkness #1 (of 6), a thrilling new limited series adapted by Robin Gillespie and featuring art by Tommy Ohtsuka!

    Lords of Avalon Reprint | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News 2009

  • I don't mind the old penname mentioned in the context of the books.

    kateelliott: Pseudonymity kateelliott 2009

  • Just as an example, employers like to google your name (and username/penname if they can find it, such as from your email address) and find out what you've said online.

    Tyrese Gibson Returns for Transformers 3 | /Film 2010

  • Regardless, there's a difference between using a collective penname because somebody might shoot you, and 'SmokesMadBluntz420' posting a comment on a blog that says, "McGinn is a dumass."

    Who Are You People? « PubliCola 2010

  • It was an appropriate penname for the wife of a man who in common with his fellow American founding fathers, identified himself strongly with Roman republican statesmen and martyrs such as Cicero, and Abigail Adams was not alone in having adopted this epistolary practice.

    Caesars’ Wives Annelise Freisenbruch 2010

  • The story, which presages the suicidal disappointments of Martin Eden, is a reverse twist on a book that London loved all his life, Signa (1875) by the English novelist Marie Louise de la Ramée, who wrote under the penname "Ouida."

    The woe of an aspiring genius. 2008

  • Incidentally, George Orwell (penname of Eric Arthur Blair, 1903-1950), author of the celebrated dystopian fantasy Nineteen Eighty-four (published in 1949), knew London's work and wrote of him (quite unevenly, depicting too short a time spent reading London's works) in a 1945 Introduction to the British edition of Love of Life and Other Stories.

    “Malicious chance was having its laugh at him.” 2008

  • AKM herself points out that Ben Franklin penned a series of letters under the penname Silence Dogood, a character he created that was so vivid and realistic that men sent marriage proposals to the New England Courant where Dogood's letters were often published.

    Dawn Teo: Famed Anonymous Anti-Palin Blogger 'Outed' by Lawmaker 2009

  • But seeing this rubbish over and over under her penname makes me very skeptical of her basic reading comprehension.

    CT-SEN: Lieberman's Support Narrows; Lamont's Expands 2009


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