
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In botany, a name proposed by Leitgeb for a peculiar outer leyer that enters into the composition of the walls of the spores of certain Hepaticæ, such as corsinia and Sphærocarpus.


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  • I didnt have to, I was one of the finer examples of a Royal Marines Commando, under the lingering smell of Hugo Boss belies a musk of testosterone, couple that with a boyish face, confident gait and a piercing gaze, with eyes of such a blueness I often peer into them in the bathroom and watch them in awe as I press my perinium down on the sink edge and watch the pupils expand as I spill myself freely onto the marble top, these factors alone and my amazing sense of humour rarely left me alone on nights out.

    Army Rumour Service 2009


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