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  • I'm taking next week off from the blog to visit family in Singapore, where capitalism is strong but the "philanthro" part less so.

    Paul Brest: Philanthrocapitalism 2009

  • Like many pundits, Dr. Martin credits the philanthro-revolution in part to "a veritable global field of social entrepreneurship" and the role that pioneers like Ashoka have played in building infrastructure for the movement.

    Deron Triff: Social Entrepreneur Shortage? Look Under-the-Radar Deron Triff 2011

  • The philanthro-capitalists, he writes, develop metrics for everything; it's a means of control.

    Ravitch's 'modest' vision for school reform 2010

  • His book analyzes efforts by philanthro-capitalists to impose business principles and market thinking on institutions of civil society, where they are inappropriate.

    Ravitch's 'modest' vision for school reform 2010

  • Some even have a word for it: philanthro-capitalism.

    Laura Flanders: The F Word: Charity or Philanthro-Feudalism? 2010

  • But Edwards, a senior fellow at the think tank Demos and the leading skeptic of philanthro-capitalism, says that public and political pressure will eventually build and force changes in the sector.

    "Trust us" is no Response to Those Who Doubt 2010

  • But Edwards, a senior fellow at the think tank Demos and the leading skeptic of philanthro-capitalism, says that public and political pressure will eventually build and force changes in the sector.

    Jane Wales: "Trust us" is no Response to Those Who Doubt 2010

  • KIPP is the same outfit that has unlimited tax-credited contributions from Fisher, Gates, Broad and the other oligarchs who use their philanthro-capitalist machines to choke out public schools and teacher unions.

    Poor KIPP Baltimore, Sighs the Baltimore Sun Jim Horn 2009

  • And it is no coincidence that the philanthro-capitalists are lined up in support of this new psychological and cultural reform masked as education reform.

    The Negative Truth about Positive Psychology Jim Horn 2009

  • Mr. Duncan and his philanthro-capitalist patrons Gates, Broad, Waltons, Dells, Fishers, etc. prefer those semi-skilled, disposable, historically-blank, and pedagogically-ignorant recruits who must depend upon the teacher-proofed parrot learning models promoted as Direct Instruction in the urban schools.

    Commentary on "Race to the Top" Jim Horn 2009


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