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  • Unregulated mangrove cutting for bark and uncontrolled harvesting of the clam "piangua" Anadara tuberculosa have been a threat at least in the past but the government has established quotas and extraction methods, and is preparing a management plan.

    Moist Pacific Coast mangroves 2007

  • Of the species associated with the mangrove ecosystem, the piangua hembra (Anadara tuberculosa) is the basis for exclusively small-scale fishing developed primarily by the communities located in the south-central part of the ecoregion and currently over-exploited.

    Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves 2007

  • Estado actual del recurso Anadara tuberculosa (piangua hembra) en la Ensenada de Tumaco (Nariño) y Recomendaciones para su Ordenación en el Pacífico colombiano.

    Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves 2007

  • As a group the human activities that in one way or another have played a part in the loss of the forest would include the construction of infrastructure for expanding towns, airfields, aquiculture pools, cutting and utilization of trees in unsustainable ways, exploitation of fishing resources associated with the mangrove (piangua), cutting of trees to change soil use and establishment of coconut crops.

    Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves 2007


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