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  • • Le salmis de pieuvre au girofle Mauritius de Stelio Perombelon, chef des Cons servent et du Pullman ak

    Christmas in September 2009

  • • Le salmis de pieuvre au girofle Mauritius de Stelio Perombelon, chef des Cons servent et du Pullman ak

    Archive 2009-11-01 2009

  • But all the same the slim little figure would shiver in the hot sunshine inside its short blue linsey-woolsey frock, and the dark eyes would grow larger than ever at the prospect, especially at the ripping by the giant pieuvre, in which they both believed devoutly, and eventually she would promise not to throw her young life away.

    Carette of Sark John Oxenham 1896

  • Hugo; it is the same with Ursel and Javert, with Cimourdain and Lantenac and Josiane; the very _pieuvre_ of _les Travailleurs_ is a Hugolater at heart.

    Views and Reviews Essays in appreciation William Ernest Henley 1876

  • She left my side for one moment while I was poking under a stone for a young pieuvre, which had darkened the little pool of water round it with its inky fluid.

    The Doctor's Dilemma Hesba Stretton 1871

  • All is in the contrast of the mighty but conquered Douvres and the comparatively insignificant rocklet -- there are hundreds like it on every granite coast -- where Death the Consoler sets on Gilliatt's head the only crown possible for his impossible feat, and where the dislike of the ignorant peasantry, the brute resistance of machinery and material, the violence of the storm, the devilish ambush of the _pieuvre_, and all other evils are terminated and evaded and sanctified by the embrace and the euthanasia of the sea.

    A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century George Saintsbury 1889

  • (the pieuvre of antiquity) with loss of some of the company, and reached Thrinacia, the Isle of the Sun.

    The Odyssey 750? BC-650? BC Homer 1878

  • Has the big pieuvre got hold of your leg? "cried the girl, as she splashed up towards him.

    Carette of Sark John Oxenham 1896


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