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  • Hers: the fish fattee -- a charcoal grilled bream with spring vegetable pilav, dill yogurt, sorrel and pine nuts.

    I have moved way past infatuation.. Michele 2007

  • Delicacies arrived in rapid succession: a tinglingly fresh salad of oregano leaves, confettied with red strips of tomato and green olives; a succulent dome of firik pilav - pearly cracked wheat dotted with braised lamb; and fried pastry torpedoes called oruk haslama, stuffed with spicy ground meat, walnuts and chiles.

    NYT > Global Home By LIESL SCHILLINGER 2011

  • Delicacies arrived in rapid succession: a tinglingly fresh salad of oregano leaves, confettied with red strips of tomato and green olives; a succulent dome of firik pilav - pearly cracked wheat dotted with braised lamb; and fried pastry torpedoes called oruk haslama, stuffed with spicy ground meat, walnuts and chiles.

    NYT > Home Page By LIESL SCHILLINGER 2011

  • The menu included Dalyan meatloaf, a rice-like dish of bulgur pilav, shepherd's salad and the famous international pastry baklava.

    Iowa State Daily 2009


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