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  • The next morning had been fixed for duck -- shooting, and the overseer and I were creeping along amongst the mangrove bushes on the shore, to get a shot at some teal, when we saw our friend the pair of compasses crossing the small bay in his boat, towards his little pilotboat -- built schooner, which was moored in a small creek opposite, the brushwood concealing every thing but her masts.

    Tom Cringle's Log Michael Scott 1812

  • "Call away the pilotboat with Mr. Lunt to follow the brigantine, sir, and ease off before the wind.

    Richard Carvel — Complete Winston Churchill 1909

  • "Call away the pilotboat with Mr. Lunt to follow the brigantine, sir, and ease off before the wind.

    Richard Carvel — Volume 08 Winston Churchill 1909

  • "Call away the pilotboat with Mr. Lunt to follow the brigantine, sir, and ease off before the wind.

    Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill Winston Churchill 1909


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