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  • Press 1 for kthxbye… press 2 for kthxbye… press 3 for shmooo an kthxbye, press 4 for snorgle an kthxbye, press 5 for catnip recuvvery sirvisis, press 6 for gluvved an powdird floofy paw pimpslap, press 7 to heer kitteh in heet, press 8 foar litter bawz changin, press 9 foar hareball sweepup

    Wotz it saing? Sumthin - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2010

  • I look forward to Inhofe trying to get away with this blather in the confirmation hearing itself, and the forthcoming pimpslap that Browner is going to put upside his misbegotten cranium.

    Think Progress 2009

  • Obama fixing to pimpslap a bitch - or give him the yard stare?

    protein wisdom 2008

  • I thought they meant Gore was going to pimpslap that insufferable vichycrat Joe Lieberman.

    WTF Is It Now?!? 2008

  • When they have kids with these alpha skittles men - and it's the plush beta herbs - the thug genes are passed on and their sons are born with their fists already swinging or holding a beer and their daughters are born with lantern jaws and a propensity to fuck with Behold the future that single moms with a vaginal itch for tattoos, bikers, and pimpslap game bequeath us with their vile spawn:

    Roissy in DC 2009


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