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  • This will lead into thoughts on marketing in due course, but my main focus is on the perceived problems with side-issues such as podio, vlogging and other new-media which are struggling to maintain the levels of interest which marked their early days.

    2010 April « The Graveyard 2010

  • This will lead into thoughts on marketing in due course, but my main focus is on the perceived problems with side-issues such as podio, vlogging and other new-media which are struggling to maintain the levels of interest which marked their early days.

    Some Thoughts, Part Five – Marketing « The Graveyard 2010

  • It may not seem like it at the moment, but podio remains one of the major strengths which the internet does brilliantly – unencumbered by outside agencies (such as radio is), and cheap enough to produce with even a limited budget.

    Some Thoughts, Part Five – Marketing « The Graveyard 2010

  • Those who would have been flocking to podio are now … Not.

    Some Thoughts, Part Five – Marketing « The Graveyard 2010

  • This means podio, short videos on YouTube, multiple websites, and an eye towards a simple ARG which builds your characters up in the minds of potential customers.

    Some Thoughts, Part Five – Marketing « The Graveyard 2010

  • This means podio, short videos on YouTube, multiple websites, and an eye towards a simple ARG which builds your characters up in the minds of potential customers.

    2010 April « The Graveyard 2010

  • It doesn't look like I can put the audio up on podio by myself?

    Another Day In the Neighborhood yuki_onna 2009

  • The podio version has rocketing up the charts with a bullet, hitting the Podiobooks Top Ten.

    Get Your Own Singularity 2006

  • The podio version has rocketing up the charts with a bullet, hitting the Podiobooks Top Ten.

    April 2006 2006

  • They do a really fanastic job bringing the best of genre fiction to the podio-drama world.

    Archive 2007-05-01 Michael Natale 2007


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